We want your visit to Emory Baptist to be a welcoming and encouraging experience. Our usual weekly schedule of events is outlined below:
10:30am Morning Worship
6:30pm Evening Worship
6:30pm Celebrate Recovery
6:30am Men's Discipleship Group
10:30am Women's Discipleship Group
6:30pm Wednesday Worship
There is no dress code at Emory Baptist and people wear many different kinds of clothes. On Sundays, you will see suits and ties, dresses and skirts, as well as polo shirts, jeans, and t-shirts.
Wednesdays are more casual. Most people wear what they wore to work or school that day.
The bottom line: worship is about the heart. Dress however you feel most comfortable when we gather for worship.
The pastor usually preaches out of the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible. However, words to the songs we sing and the Bible verses are projected onto the screens at the front of the room. Bulletins, or programs of the service schedule, are provided at Sunday morning services.
Wednesday meal is served in the fellowship hall. Wednesday worship for adults meets in the fellowship hall. Children in Action meets upstairs in the children's building. Youth Bible Study meets in Memorial Hall in the youth room. Bible Skills, Drills, & Thrills meet in the Education Building. Preschool care is provided downstairs in the children's building.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us.
Anyone is welcome to attend and participate in worship services at Emory Baptist Church but, membership of Emory Baptist Church consists of individuals who have received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and who have been biblically baptized by immersion. The membership reserves the exclusive right to determine who shall be members of this church and the conditions of each membership.
Any individual may request candidacy for membership at EBC by coming forward during a public invitation at the end of any Sunday morning or Sunday evening worship service and speaking to the pastors or by speaking to the pastors privately in another setting.
Candidates may join Emory Baptist Church in one of the following ways:
Salvation – By professing your faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and following Him in biblical baptism by immersion.
Transfer of Church Membership – By transferring your letter of membership from another Southern Baptist Church.
Statement of Faith in Christ – By statement of your faith in Jesus Christ and that you have been biblically baptized by immersion after salvation.
Baptism – By statement of your faith in Jesus Christ from another denomination that does not practice biblical baptism by immersion after salvation. This is a statement of faith in Christ and a willingness to be biblically baptized by immersion.
After presentation by the pastor, candidates for membership are voted upon by the congregation and then shall become members.

Bible Study Groups for All Ages
Adult Classes meet in the various places as noted below.
2021-2022 Sunday School Small Groups
Teacher and Location
Preschool Division: Children's Building, 1st Floor
Bed Babies: C. Piles
Toddlers: D. Westmoreland
2's & 3's: N. Vanderwilt, L. Allen
4's & Kindergarten: C. Callentine
Children’s Division: Children's Building, 2nd Floor
1st & 2nd Grade: A. Braswell, I. Dominguez, S. Smith
3rd-5th Grade: N. Vanderwilt​
Youth Division: Memorial Hall
Jr. High Girls: A. Thompson
Jr. High Boys: R. Witt
High School: W. Williams, A. Miller
Adults Division:
Adult 1 (Coed): S. Bryan, Memorial Hall
Adult 2 (Coed) - Parents of Children: W. Dale, J. Moczygemba, Second Floor, Children's Building
Adult 3 (Coed) - Parents of Teens: E. Velasquez, Second Floor, Children's Building
Adult 4 (Coed) - Parents of Young Adults: J. Williams, Education Building
Adult 5 (Coed): D. Bullock, E. Emig, Fellowship Hall
Adult 5 Women: L. Beaver, D. Vanderwilt, Memorial Hall
Adult 5 Men: R. Harris, Memorial Hall
Senior Adults Division:
Adult 6 Women: B. Bryan, Education Building
Adult 6 Women: B. Thompson, Education Building
Adult 6 Women: P. Mikulak, Education Building
Adult 6 Men: R. Kile, Conference Room
Adult 6 Men: M. Hodges, Education Building
Sunday Morning Discipleship Class:
Discipleship Class: J. Britt, Bride's Room, Main Building