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Emory Baptist Church eNewsletter

Pastor's Pen

Bro. Richard Piles, Pastor

     It’s hard to believe Summer 2024 is gone and never to come again!  Ready or not, the fall semester is here and well underway.

     However, before we leave summer completely, thank you for being such a faithful and generous giving church!  It is amazing how faithful and generous you have been in your financial giving during these summer months. We far exceeded our monthly budget requirements!  God bless you!

     Beginning in September, our Sunday School Small Groups will continue studying Acts, part 2.  That starts on Sunday, September 1, and we have a small group for every adult, every child, and every teenager on Sundays at 9:15 AM. 

     Also, I will continue in Luke on Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM.  However, I will start a new series through the Song of Solomon on Sunday nights beginning September 15, and I’ve never preached through this book previously. It is about love, romance, and marriage.

     On September 8, I invite you to join me at Van Sickle BC in Greenville for our Hunt Baptist Association Fall Family Gathering.  I would love for you to come and worship with other like-minded believers in our area!        

     Finally, we have multiple opportunities to serve for you and your family this fall including our Prayer Room, Backpack Buddies, Celebration Choir, and Welcome Team just to name a few. Don’t just come and soak, but also go and serve!

Choir Corner with Chris

Bro. Chris Henderson, Minister of Music and Senior Adults

September is upon us and we are in full swing at EBC! This month, a favorite ministry returns after a 3 year hiatus: Senior Adult Choir! We will be starting Thursday, September 5 at 10:30 AM singing hymns and some southern gospel favorites. Then, one Thursday per month, we will be going to a nearby nursing home to sing for the residents. If you are interested, please join us!

     Celebration Choir is working on Christmas! We are singing “Song of Joy” this year, and I’m really excited about it. There is plenty of time for you to join the choir and learn an excellent collection of Christmas music. Please join us.

     In the month of October, the Senior Adult Ministry will be taking a trip to Eureka Springs, Arkansas to see The Great Passion Play. The trip will be October 17-19. Be on the lookout for more information in the coming weeks regarding pricing and spot reservation!

Student Ministry Spot

Ronnie Witt, Minister of Youth & Education

     I am grateful for the host of new teachers and leaders who have begun leading Sunday School year. Most our new teachers are serving in preschool, children’s, and youth classes. In fact, we have enough teachers in the youth area that I am able to turn my Junior High Boys Sunday School Small Group over to the capable hands of two young men who were in youth not long ago, themselves. A few people have jokingly asked me, “now that these people are doing your job, what are you going to do?” My serious answer is this: exactly that. Ephesians 4:11-13 says, “And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…” In other words, it is my job to encourage and equip every believer to step into ministry, especially in the context of the local church. Every believer is gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve the body, the church, and to share the Gospel and make disciples. It is a good sign that we are seeing people eager to step into those ministry positions. And for the rest of us, the church, we may not all lead a small group, but how are you involved in ministering to people inside and outside the church?

     Youth will go to the HBA Youth Rally at Van Sickle Baptist on Saturday, Sept. 7th. Invite your friends and be a part. And then, See You At the Pole will be held at the Rains Junior High at 7:05am for students in 6th through 12th Grade. This is an annual prayer event for all Christian students at Rains Junior High and Rains High School to pray for other students, teachers, administrators, and for our schools.

Sonbeam Day School

Cecily Kirby, Director of Preschool Ministries

I am excited that the day has finally come! We are back in action at Sonbeam with 48 little Sonbeamers!


Bible Story of the Month:

Creation Week


Nursery Rhyme of the Month:

Hey Diddle, Diddle


Memory Verse of the Month:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1


Family Bible Question of the Month:

Who was the oldest person who ever lived?



 Please continue to pray for our ministry, staff, students, and their families.

Nursery Rhymes

Thank you to everyone who showed such kindness to myself and the rest of the staff at EBC. You all are such a blessing to my family and I. We are thankful and grateful to be a part of Emory Baptist Church.

     I hope everyone has a great first month in their new Sunday school classes!

     In honor of Grandparents day, September 8, 2024, I would like to give a shout-out to all of the grandparents that pray endlessly for their grandchildren, who lead their grandchildren to Jesus, and who show up constantly and consistently for their grandchildren, THANK YOU! I am forever grateful for my Nana and Papa who continue to show their love for me and my family. If it weren’t for them taking me to church as a small child and teaching me about Jesus I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. If you are blessed to still have your grandparent(s) in your life today, give them a big hug and tell them how much you love them.



When God created grandparents

The world was truly blessed

With all the special joys

That make a family happiest…

For grandparents know how to do

The things that warm a heart,

They touch our lives

With loving care

Right from the very start…


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