For Your Safety
Please feel the freedom to stay at home and continue to worship with us online if:
You or a family member are immune compromised;
You have had any type of sickness recently;
You have been around someone who was sick recently;
You have been around someone who has been in contact with or suspected to have COVID-19;
You have traveled to an area with many COVID-19 cases;
You are uncomfortable being around groups of people.
EBC will provide masks for any who don’t bring them and prefer to have them.
We will have hand sanitizer/stations throughout the facility to be used often and regularly upon entering and exiting.
Furthermore, please continue to observe personal hygiene practices including washing hands thoroughly after using the restrooms.
In addition to our cleaning service cleaning our facilities multiple times each week, we have installed ionizers throughout our facility.
Please don’t arrive to the church any earlier than 30 minutes prior to the start of each service.
We do ask that you respect others by being mindful of social distancing practices, and you won’t be judged negatively for how you choose to practice your own social distancing and personal hygiene precautions.
Tithes and offerings can be given in person on Sunday morning to ushers with offering plates or in the offering boxes in the foyers upon exiting. Furthermore, tithes and offerings will still be received in person to the church office during the week (Monday-Thursday) or by mail or online.