Here you can find EBC's monthly newsletter, articles written by our staff, weekly announcements, and Sunday Morning's worship playlist.
You can download a printable .pdf of the eNewsletter with the link above, or read the staff articles at the link below.
Announcements: September 29, 2024
9/29 Nursery Workers: Kevin & Pam Garrett, Sharon Hodges, F. Jarrett
10/6 Nursery Workers: Diane Klump, Cecily Kirby, Billy & Lou Madden
Register Today to Vote in the November Election!
Rains County Deputy Registrar Dennis Wagner is in the Front Foyer.
Operation Christmas Child Items for October
We are collecting donations for shipping. There is a $10 shipping fee for each box. Please place donations in a giving envelope, and specify OCC.
Family Life Center Construction Project Goes Out for Bid,
Tuesday, October 1
Fellowship Meal, Wednesday, October 2, 5:30 PM, FH
Mexican Cornbread Casserole. Please bring a dessert to share.
The Clean-Up Team is all Sunday School classes in the Education Building and Maranatha (B. Thompson) and Parents of Young Adults (J. Williams).
Youth Fields of Faith, Wednesday, October 2, 7 PM, Rains HS
A Tea Party with Jesus, Saturday, October 5, 10:30 AM-2:30 PM
The EBC bus will leave the church at 9:45 AM. Remember to bring your teacup and saucer to exchange. We will return to the church around 3:15 PM. A light breakfast and lunch will be served.
1st Fruits on the 1st Sunday, October 6
Please bring your items for our Little Free Pantry. Cash donations are also appreciated. Please DON’T bring glass jars or perishables.
Backpack Buddies, Wednesday, October 9, 10:30 AM, FH
SAM Lunch & Game Day, Thursday, October 10, 12 PM, FH
Lord’s Supper, Sunday, October 13, 10:30 AM, Sanctuary
Women on Mission, Monday, October 14, 11 AM, Bride’s Room
All ladies are welcome!
T. E. L., Tuesday, October 15, 12 PM, FH
SAM Trip to Eureka Springs, October 17-19
We will see the Great Passion Play, tour the Bible Museum and the Holy Land replica. We will also shop at the historical downtown district. Cost is $125 each (covers buffet and all attractions plus hotel and meals). Only 12 rooms are reserved. Deadline to pay and sign up is October 3.
Sunday Playlist
Call to Worship:
#56 “To God Be the Glory”
“Jesus Messiah”
Welcome & Prayer Time: Bro. Richard
Congregational Singing:
#318 “I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary”
“Going Home Medley”
Offertory Prayer & Offertory
Message from the Word: Dr. Richard D. Piles
“There’s No Such Thing as Impossible with Jesus!”
Luke 9:10-17 (NKJV)
Time of Commitment:
#483 “The Savior is Waiting”
Ministry Opportunities: Bro. Richard
Parting Declaration: Psalm 118:24
#747 “Sunshine in My Soul”