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Here you can find EBC's monthly newsletter, articles written by our staff, weekly announcements, and Sunday Morning's worship playlist.


You can download a printable .pdf of the eNewsletter with the link above, or read the staff articles at the link below. 

Announcements: January 19, 2025

1/19 Nursery Workers: Kevin & Pam Gassett, Jordan Story

1/26 Nursery Workers: Faye Jarrett, Billy & Lou Madden


Will you be a World Mission Fund Family in 2025?

$25 per week or $108 per month or $1,300 for the year is given for international, North American, and state missions.


Help us fill our Baby Bed for the Raffa Clinic!

January is Sanctity of Life Month.  Please help fill our baby bed in the Front Foyer with supplies through February 2 for the Raffa Clinic, a pro-life crisis pregnancy center in Greenville.  Items needed at this time are: children’s clothing sizes 2T-5T, diapers sizes 5-7, and baby wipes.


January Members’ Meeting, Sunday, January 19, 6:30 PM, Sanctuary


Intentional Christian Grandparents, Monday, January 20, 6-7:15 PM, FH

Topic will be “So They Won’t Forget, Part 1 and it will examine Scripture for the causes a generation walking away from the faith. Refreshments will be served.


T. E. L., Tuesday, January 21, 12 PM, FH (hope)

Soup and desserts will be provided.


Backpack Buddies, Wednesday, January 22, 10:30 AM, FH


Fellowship Meal, Wednesday, January 22, 5:30 PM, FH

The menu is Mexican Cornbread Casserole. Please bring a dessert to share.

The Clean-Up Team is Friendship Builders (D. Bullock & E. Emig).


SAM Lunch & Game Day, Thursday, January 23, 12 PM, FH


Family Fun Night, Sunday, January 25, 5:30 PM, FH


Bro. Chris’ Ordination Service, Sunday, February 2, 6:30 PM, Sanctuary

A reception will follow in the Fellowship Hall immediately after the service.


Women on Mission, Monday, February 3, 11 AM, Bride’s Room


Operation Christmas Child Items for January/February

Personal hygiene items such as combs, bath bar soap, etc. are being collected. Toothbrushes are not needed. Toothpaste or liquids cannot be accepted.


Little Free Pantry Donations are needed (no glass jars or perishables)!

We need canned meats, vegetables, soups, dry cereals, breakfast foods, toiletries such as soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and paper goods.

Cash donations are also appreciated.

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Sunday Playlist

Morning Worship: 10:30 AM

Call to Worship:

#56 “To God Be the Glory” & “Eternal Weight of Glory”


Welcome & Prayer Time: Bro. Richard


Congregational Singing:

#493 “Glory to His Name” & “The Blood Medley”


Offertory Prayer & Offertory


Message in Song: Celebration Choir

“O Come to the Altar”


Message from the Word: Dr. Richard D. Piles

“We’ve Got to Keep On Keeping On!”

Luke 11:5-10 (NKJV)


Time of Commitment:

#482 “Jesus is Calling”


Ministry Opportunities: Bro. Richard


Parting Declaration: James 1:22



#777 “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks”

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